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Sep 28, 2016
~Want My Look?~
What's up guys and gals?! I'm rocking a minimalist look on today's blog (not only in color, but also in fabric! haha!) The co-ord is from...

Aug 27, 2016
~Earn Your Stripes~
What's up guys and gals?! The order of the day is this fantastic set from my friends at Vesper247! I've featured Vesper on the blog...

Jun 2, 2016
~Set Sail~
What's up guys and gals?! Welcome to the lovely month of June! I come to you today with one of the my wildest accessories yet; a watch...

May 5, 2016
~Enchanted Eats In England~
What's up guys and gals?! Today we'll be looking at all the yummy things I ate during my vacation in England! Anyone who tells you that...

Jan 29, 2016
~Flowers For Valentines~
What's up guys and gals?! It's almost Valentines day, so I decided to do a fun a flirty Valentines day look! Of course the only...

Jan 13, 2016
~Betsy Babe~
What's up guys and gals?! Today I am channeling a Betsey Babe vibe. I have been a fan of Betsey Johnson as long as I can remember. Her...

Dec 23, 2015
~Velvet Dreams~
What's up guys and gals?! The holidays are upon us, and this look has it all! Glitter? Check! Gold? Check! Velvet? Triple check! First is...

Dec 18, 2015
What's up guys and gals?! First and foremost I am NOT appologizing for the terrible pun in the title! Haha! Now that THAT'S out of the...
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