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Jan 25, 2018
~Coats! Coats! Coats!~
What's up guys and gals?! This season will go down in fashion history as the winter of the Fluffy coat! I am personally obsessed with the...

Aug 9, 2017
~In Style with InTheStyle x Sarah Ashcroft~
What's up guys and gals?! I recently had the pleasure of working with the mega babes over at InTheStyle! They sent over some fantastic...

Apr 12, 2017
~Blogging in Chelsea~
What's up guys and gals?! It's been a while since my last post, but that's because I've been traipsing around England! I think I'll...

Nov 12, 2016
What's up guys and gals?! Today we've got something REALLY edgy, and this is by far one of the most "CC" looks I've posted on this blog....

Oct 18, 2016
~From The Mountain Top~
What's up guys and gals?! Today I bring you a blog from the classic California landscape – sprawling mountains. The place where I shot...

Sep 28, 2016
~Want My Look?~
What's up guys and gals?! I'm rocking a minimalist look on today's blog (not only in color, but also in fabric! haha!) The co-ord is from...
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