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Oct 18, 2016
~From The Mountain Top~
What's up guys and gals?! Today I bring you a blog from the classic California landscape – sprawling mountains. The place where I shot...

Aug 27, 2016
~Earn Your Stripes~
What's up guys and gals?! The order of the day is this fantastic set from my friends at Vesper247! I've featured Vesper on the blog...

May 5, 2016
~Enchanted Eats In England~
What's up guys and gals?! Today we'll be looking at all the yummy things I ate during my vacation in England! Anyone who tells you that...

Mar 25, 2016
~Ready To Travel!~
What's up guys and gals?! It's time for another blog post! I've been gearing up for my trip to the UK next week! Very hectic but also...

Feb 9, 2016
~Bring the Bling~
What's up guys and gals?! Hope you're having a good week! Sorry for the delay in, well, everything; we got a new puppy (named Georgie)...

Jan 21, 2016
~Baby It's Cold Outside~
What's up guys and gals?! It's the time of year when us folks in California have what we describe as "winter;" when we are forced to put...

Jan 13, 2016
~Betsy Babe~
What's up guys and gals?! Today I am channeling a Betsey Babe vibe. I have been a fan of Betsey Johnson as long as I can remember. Her...

Dec 18, 2015
What's up guys and gals?! First and foremost I am NOT appologizing for the terrible pun in the title! Haha! Now that THAT'S out of the...
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